Dead Drops – Aram Bartholl


‘Dead Drops’ is an anonymous, offline, peer to peer file-sharing network in public space. USB flash drives are embedded into walls, buildings and curbs accessible to anybody in public space. Everyone is invited to drop or find files on a dead drop. Plug your laptop to a wall, house or pole to share your favorite files and data. Each dead drop is installed empty except a readme.txt file explaining the project. ‘Dead Drops’ is open to participation. If you want to install a dead drop in your city/neighborhood follow the ‘how to’ instructions and submit the location and pictures.

I  am a Berlin based media artist and started  the ‘Dead Drops’ project during my stay in NYC at EYEBEAM as artist in residence, October 2010.

Dead Drops

Aram Bartholl

g-portraits-7-600 g-portraits-pace-aram-de-detail-600 g-portraits-pace-aram-de-600 g-portraits-pace-aiweiwei-cn-600 g-portraits-pace-jasonsmith-en-600 g-portraits-pace-penelopeumbrico-en-600 G-portraits-pace-800Google Portrait Series
A Google Portrait is a drawing which contains the URL of a Google search for a person in encoded form. Any smart phone is capable to decode the matrix-code (QR- code) with a barcode reader app. As a result the phone runs a Google search on the portrayed person in the browser. Almost everyone can be found by name on Google nowadays. Even people who never used computers can be found because their names appear in scanned books on the internet. Almost everybody has at least once googled himself. ‘Ego-surfing’ is a very popular way to see what people find out about you googling your name. In that way the first 10 entries of a Google search result page represent the modern portrait. Who is this person? In what context does the name appear? What are the top links? Are there other people with same or similar name in the results? The portrait dynamically changes over time depending on the Google algorithms, the language of the search and of course by the activities of the person. Due to the omnipresence of Google people often care very much about their Google portrait and sometimes even hire specialized services to have the result page altered ‘actively’.
Aram Bartholl.

Zander Olsen

I.v.m mijn thema: boodschappen achter laten op openbare plaatsen.

Tree, Lines
‘This is an ongoing series of constructed photographs rooted in the forest. These works, carried out in Surrey, Hampshire and Wales,involve site specific interventions in the landscape, ‘wrapping’ trees with white material to construct a visual relationship between tree, not-tree and the line of horizon according to the camera’s viewpoint.’


David Sykes

blog-mailer-wip-2 blog-mailer QR-for-blog

I wanted to promote the relaunch of my website and this blog with a bespoke shot and a mail-out. The QR code is the perfect example of something physical that links to the digital world, so I hit on the idea of building and shooting my own physical QR code and sending out a limited edition mailer. Just the QR photograph; no name, no other links or information, just that.

I wanted to play with the juxtaposition of a physical object linking directly to the digital, so I decided to build a 3D model of the code and create the image in one shot. This is in line with the way I like to work, I try to shoot as many things ‘in camera’ as I can. This meant scaling up and then building the 8 foot square model of the code. To create another link to my previous work I used objects from around the studio to build up the shot. Over three days, I worked with the stylist, Carrie Louise, to source the props, plan out and construct the QR city.

To further demonstrate the ‘in camera’ feel of the code I shot on film. To give the mail-out the sense of being a sheet of 10 x 8 film I retained the full frame of the shot, including studio in the background and rebates. I even presented it in the same bags you would get the film back from the lab in.

So, a brand new website via QR promotion with a traditional twist. An intriguing QR code arrives in the post, would you scan it?


QR CODE als inspiratie…

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Enkel via het scannen van de aangebrachte QR code
kan je dit werk bekijken. Je ziet een korte film waarbij Natalia in de huid kruipt van Sonja Marmeladova, een personage uit de roman van Dostojevski’s Misdaad en Straf. Ze staat symbool voor de zachte en zichzelf opofferende vrouw voor het heil van de mensheid.
Schermafbeelding 2013-03-18 om 16.57.14 Schermafbeelding 2013-03-18 om 16.57.23

van 13 september tot 16 november 2012 is in galerie Lecq in Rotterdam het kunstwerk van Astrid Moors te zien: een qr code opgebouwd uit witte en blauw-gearceerde tegeltjes van 5 x 5 cm, samen een vlak van 125×125 cm. De QR code verwijst naar een tekenblog waar dagelijks een nieuwe water-gerelateerde tekening getoond wordt. Na 16 november zijn alle tekeningen te zien.

Op 31 maart 2011 publiceerde de Haarlemse dichter Chielie een bundel van 12 gedichten, ‘QRCode’ , die op één A4’tje past.
De Haarlemse dichter Chielie brengt vandaag zijn nieuwe en unieke dichtbundel, ‘QRCode’ uit. De bundel beslaat slechts 1 A4’tje. Daarop staan slechts twaalf vierkantjes met op het oog onleesbare mozaïeken: Quick Response Codes. Maar die kunnen met een moderne mobiele telefoon, voorzien van een QRCode-reader (een stukje software), uitgelezen worden – als individuele gedichten. Dichter Michiel van Reenen: “Het kan! Dat is de voornaamste reden. Fantastisch toch, dat twaalf gedichten op één A4’tje passen?” en “Ik ben dol op dat soort nieuwe vrijheid. Ik bracht mijn officiële debuut, ‘Bundel’, uit via Lulu, een Amerikaanse website. Daar kan het door mensen besteld worden, dan wordt het in Amerika gedrukt en hierheen gestuurd. Ik zie mezelf nog een doos vol uitleveren aan een verbijsterde boekhandelaar in Bloemendaal.” Michiel van Reenen is vermoedelijk de eerste in Nederland die een QRCode-dichtbundel verspreidt. Chielie’s ‘QRCode’ is online te vinden op



Street Flyers


Painted Gestures

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The first Stevejobs schools are about to open, a school where children will learn by using the Ipad. The younger generation will be in contact with technology on an early age. The question is what effects this devices will have on the children. I am affraid, that the children will be less creative or atleast wont paint and draw with ‘real’ material anymore. Also the children will learn to type at a very young age, rather than actually write. A new language may be developed because the technology will change our usual gestures.

The following type is based on certain gestures I found that will be recognized as letters on a touchscreen. It is done with acrylic to refer to a child’s fingerpainting.

The Typographic Voice 2012 >>